
Overwatering is the sure way of dampening the potential of a plant

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For the past couple of days I have been indulging myself in building up and managing my very own garden, nothing fancy or big just a few pots with lemon balm, bee balm and mint planted in them.

Being the excited me, I couldn't wait to wake up in the morning just so I could give them some love by watering. After some days went by, I started noticing some of the leaves turn yellow while some turning brown around the edges, it is only then that I realised that I never did any solid research on how to take of perennial herbs like that. I read that the reason for the leaves turning yellow is due to overwatering and reason for turning brown around the edges could be due to root rot caused by poor drainage.

I let my excitement into venturing into uncharted territory get in the way of doing my due deligence on those plants by understanding exactly what makes them tick given certain conditions.

Where this applies professionally is when you have a junior placed under you for most likely the first time and you get carried away and immediately start micro-managing them. You don't first try to understand their strength and weaknesses and exactly what type of conditions they thrive the most under, because by always checking up on them you might actually be causing more harm than good.

I am not saying that you shouldn't manage your juniors at all but, experience aside, we are all humans and every human is different in how they respond to situations. So the next time you get someone placed under you, it'll be better for you to try and understand their process and their motivations before you start enforcing anything on them.

Moral of the story; lemon balms and bee balms don't like too much water, allow them to dry out a bit in between waterings during before giving them more love.

Here is what Greg had to say about it

Lemon Balm needs 1.4 cups of water every 7 days when it gets direct sunlight and is potted in a 6.0" pot.